Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Don't throw Easter eggs in grass houses (or something)

Hello folks. Happy Easter, I'm a bit busy (as always) but check out the pics here of yours truly and the "double kids" of Abiko doing an Easter egg hunt on the roof of the Abiko library (it's a grass roof - you gotta see it - right here).


Dad and Margaret said...

Excellent photos. Compliments to the photographer.Looks like everyone had a good time. Our French friend, Madame Elda, gave us chocolate bunnies carrying sacks of chocolate eggs. We didn't have to search for them! Came on a plate. Talk to you soon!

Jane said...

Looks like you all had fun! We found an Easter egg hunt in France too. Will have to tell you about the music they were playing next time I speak to you!! Very funny indeed!!!!