Wednesday, 5 March 2008


  • Chame-Chan - The mother-in-law's cat. An American short-hair Tabby, he had flown from Japan to Britain and back again. He died in 2008.
  • Dad and Margaret - Live in Leicester and between them translate novels from Spanish and Portuguese, learn French, do the Guardian crossword and cook vegetarian meals all day long.
  • Emma-chan - My precocious younger daughter.
  • Geoff - My older brother who jacked in a career in newspaper circulation to become a long-distance truck driver in the USA.
  • giri-no-shacho - A term I coined combining giri-no-haha (mother in law) with shacho (boss) to mean literally "boss-in-law". Also known as Baa-chan - grandma- by my kids. But her name is Michiko.
  • Jane - My little sister who lives in Leicester. After a couple of years as a social worker in Portsmouth, she is finding work as a primary school teacher more her cup of tea.
  • K-chan - My sensitive elder daughter.
  • kappa - Mythical green water sprites who seem to be all over the place in Abiko
  • kawaii - Cute. This is something seen as a goal in itself in Japan.
  • LDP - The Liberal Democratic Party. This party is neither liberal (it is pretty darned conservative) nor very democratic - it has been perennially in power since 1945, bar a couple of years at the end of the 1990s.
  • shacho - Company president or boss. In my house that means my wife, Yoshie.

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