Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Window shopping, Oba-chan no Harajuku style

Tower English raised its drawbridge last weekend (it's a rare thing to have two days off on the trot, hence the tardy return to blogging ways for Tower Tales) so the Tower troupe trooped off to Tokyo to visit  old friends. I took the opportunity to video us walking down the street, which, while not earth-shatteringly interesting, gives a slice of life one Sunday afternoon at the fag end of 2008 in an area known as the Oba-chan no Harajuku (fashionable area of Tokyo for grandmas). Compare with other meaningful shopping experiences here

  • 0:14 Shoe shop (not much use for me as most shops carry shoes only up to 27cm in size - about size 9 in old money.)
  • 0:30 Manju shop (flour balls with sweet beans inside)
  • 0.52 bloke whose job is to greet customers
  • 0.58 another greeter
  • 1.15 fibre glass green-tea flavoured ice cream
  • 1:28 fashion conscious oba-chans (grans)
  • 1:43 bored kid playing a computer game while waiting for his mam.
  • 2:27 either a Buddha or a sweets display, not sure which.

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