Tuesday 3 February 2009

Once more, with feeling

Just figured out how to upload to Youtube, which means this here video is now global, baby. Wow. Anyway, it shows a bossy but quite good older sister showing the ballet ropes to a younger, but quite forceful sister - all in our living room/classroom. 

Compare with here, from half a year ago.


Jane said...

Very good! Enjoyed that. Especially liked the guest appearance of Yoshie too!

Unknown said...

Excellent! It's clear from Yoshie's all too brief appearance where the the girls get their dancing talent from! More please!

On our way to Bristol on Saturday, at a motorway stop, we met Mr Thawley, your old history teacher, who now lives just outside Bristol and was on his way to Leicester. He was interested to hear about your being in Japan and wishes you all the best.