Yes, there it was in all it's faded glory. Here's a transcript of what Sherriff-sensei said (or meant to say):
Sherriff-sensei: Hello (applause). Let me introduce myself, I'm Patrick Sherriff. Nice to meet you. In 2007, I escaped from Britain (laughter), that's why my Japanese is not very good, my guitar playing is not very good and my singing is no good. But, I'm very good at being taught, er, teaching English. My conversation school, Tower English's phone number is 04-7100-1235 (laughter). Do you understand? Let me repeat... do you have a pen? 04-7100... OK, with apologies to Mr Lennon...
Miyauchi-san: Got to sort my strap out... time for a commercial break. Let Mr Sherriff talk to you...
Sherriff-sensei: Nice weather today, isn't it? ... OK, Let's start the lesson.
(Well, despite battling a drooping microphone stand and an urge to sing flat, it wasn't too bad...)
Well done! Thanks for sharing that with us! Everyone seemed to have a good time. Audience participation - always a good sign. Pretty impressive being able to make an audience laugh in Japanese. Now back to the day job...
Congratulations on your performance! Very brave to speak in Japanese too. Looks like the audience enjoyed themselves too-quite a crowd you attracted there. When's the repeat performance?!?! x
Brave, but off key! Still, yes had them, er, rocking in the aisles! Repeat? We'll see...
Rockstar. It is 150 years since the Darwins "Origin of Species" was published. Your performance evidentially shows the bearded monkey lover was wrong. Your musical style, ability or skills have not evolved in the last 20 years. As you used to say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Proud of you.
Clare says she thought it was very good especially the harmonicky.
Little Arun attends music therapy and loves it. He has his own tambourine and maraccas. He also played guitar for the first time this week.
Ay up Mrunal. Yeah, why improve when you've got three chords already? By the way, the blues harp harmonicky is the very same one you gave me as a wedding present before I shipped off to the Far East the first time round. Still got your LCFC cap, wear it to keep the rain off me specks when I'm running.
Rock and roll, baby. Glad to hear Arun has a musical side to him. Must have inherited that from Clare. Love to you all.
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