Saturday, 3 May 2008

Best things in life are free

I've had a few good freebies in my time as a journalist.
  • I've sat in the back of a C-130 Hercules as it lowered its back door and a squad of paratroopers jumped out
  • I've flown in the rear gunner seat of a World War II Japanese Val dive-bomber in a re-enactment of the Battle of Pearl Harbor (this was for the Tora Tora Tora air show in Little Rock, so there were a few historical inaccuracies, such  as the US Air Force winning the battle, but I digress...)
  • I've had a press trip to the French Pyrenees mountains
  • and my shelves have always been groaning under the weight of hot-off-the-press review copies of books.
So it has come as a pleasant surprise to discover that even in my new life as a teacher there are quite a few freebies, and these are all the better because they are gifts given freely, without strings attached. Recently, students have given me Blue Mountain coffee, Harrod's tea, apple cookies, Korean seaweed, sweeties from Tokyo Disneyland and a tin of biscuits from Hong Kong Disneyland. But today's haul has been among the best. I got two bags of delicious mange tout picked by the fair hand of one of my students from her allotment at 6.30am today, and then two half-litre bottles of home brew reminiscent of the great beers you could get at that real ale joint between The Dolphin and The Bless in Derby city centre (the name escapes me) from the mother of one of my five-year-old students. We fried the mange tout and supped the beer for dinner. Cheers!

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