Tuesday, 1 April 2008

French is the way forward

I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of a language that has no masculine and feminine inflections and has words that most of the time are easy to pronounce. Yes, I'm talking about English, and frankly, I think it has had its day. Far too many people speak English already, and everyone else who doesn't yet speak the lingua franca wants to speak it. It's time we fought back. I think French is a far superior language and culture and henceforth we shall be conducting all lessons in French and shall be adopting French forms of address and styles of dress. This will be the last post in English and from now on please refer to this school as Le Tour de Francais. Avec poisson d'Avril. 


Jane said...

Tres bien Patrick. Je suis tout a fait d'accord avec toi. Vivre le francais!!! Vivre la France!!!

Our Man in Abiko said...

Merci, madame. Merci.

Jane said...

Quoi? C'est une idee ridicule!!

Monsieur Matt