Despite the very British weather yesterday - it was overcast, a bit chilly with intermittent rain - we decided to go full steam ahead with our second "double day" picnic for kids with dual heritage (I know "double kids" sounds oh-so politically correct, but we get tired of people asking if o

ur kids are
haa-fuu, as "half" is pronounced in Japanese - my wife answers, "No, they aren't
haa-fuu, they are
dub-el-oo!") We, very un-Britishly, had no Plan B in the event of rain until the day before, when
Shacho came up with the brainwave of hiring out the community rooms at Abisuta, our local library/community centre. Thanks to her, what would have been a washout turned into a great afternoon and we had around two-dozen kids running around and 20 adults tucking in at the indoor picnic. We stayed for five hours, the lingua franca was English, and the men even had a chance to swap jokes. The best, albeit not the newest, one-liner that can be repeated for a family audience was from Terry D. (pictured), a former Daily Yomiuri sub-editor:
I went to the doctor's, and he told me I was fat. I told him I wanted a second opinion. He said: "OK, you're fat and ugly."
But if you see this man, don't get him started on jokes featuring blokes walking into pubs with various animals, such as rabbits, horses, giraffes and so on, it's like being transported to the primary school playground. Why so many animal jokes? Terry says its because you can't offend anyone with jokes about giraffes. I beg to differ, but we had enough nationalities at the indoor picnic to make our own politically incorrect joke featuring a half-a-dozen Japanese women, four Englishmen, two Canadians and a Sri Lankan. Any suggestions?
A man goes to see his doctor:
'Doctor, I'm very worried. I can't say my "f"s and my "th"s.'
The doctor replies:
'Well, you can't say fairer than that.'
Not bad, I give you 10 points.
o/t why do the french have tree lined boulevards?
because the germans like marching in the shade.
Hmmm. Three points.
One from my Arkansan nephew: If you are African before you go to the toilet, and American after you go to the toilet, what are you when you are in the toilet?
You're a peein'.
An Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman are wandering through the desert, hungry and hallucinating, when they come upon a rotting, dead camel.
"Well," said the Englishman, "I support the Liverpool football club, so I'll eat the liver."
"I support the Hearts club," said the Scotsman, "so I'll eat the heart."
"I support Arsenal," said the Irishman, "but I seem to have lost my appetite."
boom boom!
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