Thursday, 14 August 2008

Things to do in the summer 4: Run barefoot through a stream

What could be more natural than running barefoot through a stream? This being Japan, appearances are deceptive... We spent a lovely afternoon at the Tega no Oka park (see the slide show at the right for more pictures), but what appears to be a natural spring in a quiet wood with just a few climbing frames and such added, is actually a well oiled machine. Literally, in fact, as they turn off the stream at 4.30 every day, and close the park completely for maintenance and chemical cleaning of the water every Monday and Friday. There are loudspeakers that announce the immanent closure of the place at 4pm, and there are plenty of refrigerated drinks vending machines to keep the thirsty throngs supplied with fizzy caffeinated sugar water. Still, the fun was genuine and the mosquitoes were real enough, I can assure you.

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