Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Rain didn't stop play

Apologies for the wobbling around (must remember - keep the camera still) and, yes, maybe the subject matter (it rained yesterday) was not the most thrilling, but hey, it's not like I have a budget of millions to blow on fresh-faced college kids to chase real news stories (like "Phew what a scorcher/What a damp squib" splashes that appear every May Bank Holiday in the Daily Mail in England). But I thought the folks back in Blighty might find it interesting to witness a thunder storm Japanese style, and the nosey closer to downtown Kounoyama might enjoy peering at their neighbours' houses. One final note of irony - I was happy to leave local newspapers in England partly because they seem to be getting their knickers in a twist trying to be all things to all people (the Derby Evening Telegraph is on to its second web editor in less than a year and management at the Nottingham Evening Post now describe the company as a "media hub" - silly me, I thought it was a newspaper). Anyway, when I was doing Lord Rothermere's bidding, I resented the move into cyberspace, but now I find I am doing all the things I thought I detested (blogging, uploading pictures, shooting video) only I am doing them for free now. I always knew I would make the model employee someday.


Anonymous said...

the mainstream newspapers have only a few years left in them.A few will survive but many -especially the guardian are losing a shedload of cash.Local papers are a waste of tiem.I remember the Nottingham evening post was worth a read but the Mercury has always been dire.haven't read it in years.

blogging is the future.They are biased but on the whole the bias is clear.In terms of the credit crucnh and politics they are way ahead of the MSM

Our Man in Abiko said...

Yeah, but the trouble with blogging is very little of it is edited or of a reputable variety, present company excepted of course.

Anonymous said...

I accept that to a degree but many bloggers build a folowing based on the veracity/accuracy of their previous posts.Look at the power the drudge report has in the states.Guido fawkes in the UK>these guys have been blogging for years and have massive followings.GF has 100,000+ readers per month and they are the influential abcde234 types.

in terms of the credit crunch and economics,many bloggers such as mr mortgage in the USA,are jsut way out ahead in that he is read by most serious investors.The stuff you read in the Times is just two years out of date at the mo.The mainstream newspapers are hamstrung by their advertisers.Take the mercury,they can't actually admit that property is massively overvalued and we're in a bubble because they are in hock to the estate agents who advertise in their property supplements.

Anonymous said...


stat pron for guido

Our Man in Abiko said...

Very well argued case there Dr D. I enjoyed the Guido Fawkes link, so much so that I can forgive them being a little on the right for my sensibilities, and yes you are right, local papers are in de facto cahoots with the advertisers. Hmm, I should have more faith in this new fangled thing called the internet.

Anonymous said...

thing with GF is that he treats all politicians the same.left right whatever,if you've been claiming housing allowance for a place you've owned for thrity years he'll out you.He's a right wing libertarian.

strangely the left wing bloggers are not as prolific as their right wing counterparts.

the guardians 'comment is free' is the biggest blog of the left.recess monkey and paul linford are next but they have small traffic compared to say Iain Dale-tory luvvie extraordinaire.

I think it's possibly a function of being in opposition,can't really see any other reason.

Anonymous said...


Our Man in Abiko said...

Hmm. But it is the same in America, and the right is not in opposition, yet. It was the same a decade or so ago with talk radio in the states, dominated by right-wingers.