Hey folks, here's a little guest feature. I've been trying hard to include lots of pretty pictures with my posts, but I have had no training as a snapper, other than chasing ambulances for the Jacksonville Patriot in Arkansas, hoping for a good crash scene. My philosophy is: get the thing that is interesting in focus and press the button, but apparently there is more to photography than that. A former colleague from the Derby Evening Telegraph, Lynwen Davison, has actually just got a piece of paper (A City and Guilds no less) that says she can take a good photo. And here's the evidence. She clearly likes doorways and statues of dead folk, (and there I was thinking she liked Margaret Attwood and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.) Anyway, Lynwen, you get the job of official Tower Tales Toggie for Great Britain (it carries no salary, but think of the honour). By the way, I particularly liked the cherub making a rude gesture (no, not the first picture, that's Lynwen's daughter, Isobel). I included the scarecrow too for comparison to a Japanese one I snapped. Hmm, which is scarier?

1 comment:
paddy saw Nik volpe,sam favell and gareth Witcombe in the pub last night.all well.
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