Sunday, 24 August 2008

Graffiti shortage

Hey, what's going on here? A thug defiling a fine establishment? No it's the day after clean-up job. You rarely see any graffiti over here, and maybe the swift clean-up is why, or the general law-abiding nature of the good folk of Abiko (I took this picture in Tokyo, I must admit). In fact, graffiti is so rare, they actually offer classes to wayward youth in how to defile walls, as my youngest demonstrates here at an indoor play castle in Tokyo:

OK, they don't really offer classes in graffiti, but it sure looks like fun.


Anonymous said...

We liked the photo of Emma so much we've put it in a frame in the living room! Thank you!

Our Man in Abiko said...

Great! Yeah, she was very cute there, but the lighting was a bit yellow - I have given up using the flash with digital cameras as it is a bit obtrusive in public, but occasionally indoor lights can make you look pasty.

By the way, thanks for the books. They arrived yesterday. We are half way through Nate the Great.

Anonymous said...

nobody does it quite as well as banksy, who is currently on a tour of the deep south.

this one is from the outskirts of birmingham alabama: