In amongst the downmarket world of karaoke, pachinko parlours and Japanese TV often held up as the real Japan, sometimes you stumble across something a bit more genuine. And here it is:
OK, sorry I'm something of an ignorant guide, but if you could hear me above the racket of the cicadas in their deathrattle (they only chirp like that shortly before they meet their maker) this seemingly timeless place, five minutes by bike from my house, is actually surrounded by a new suburban housing estate and busy main road. I would have hung around but the mosquitos were gathering for a late afternoon snack.
good little infomercial there.enjoyd that.surreal almost.gotta love the interent.
Infomercial? But I'm not trying to flog anything like your typical QVC infomercial. I'm not really into Eastern spiritualism as it is perceived in the west. Actually, the Japanese have a very practical approach to religion. Most shrines have a speciality, eg fertility, passing exams, starting a new business, and you just choose the one that suits your needs, throw in a couple of coins and pray to the relevant gods. Not sure what this shrine is dedicated to... will ask the boss.
Thanks for the guided tour. Very interesting! The cicada noise is the males signalling to the females that they're ready and waiting (we think!). Of course, they may die immediately afterwards. We once knew what the significance of the open- and shut-mouthed lions is, but we've forgotten. Ask Yoshie. Anyway, more please.
yeah,I'd of the fascintaing things about the blogosphere is the eclectic mix of bloggers.One of the strengths of tower tales is that each day I come here and I wonder what i'll learn about japan's stuff I wouldn't come across in the MSM
very good.I loved the pan to the guys house and the
'nice car' comment..
Loved the tour. Not sure they would be gravestones though as thought Shintoism didn't associate with death....isn't that Buddism? Maybe Yoshie would know!
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