I rather liked this sight of, I suppose you would call them haystacks, in rice paddies shortly after the harvest near Teganuma. And in a not entirely unrelated shot, here is my dad and little sister with their harvest. This picture was beamed via mobile phone all the way to Tower Tales from their allotment in Leicester on the same day I took my picture. Now there's a good use of technology.

You don't have any bananas do you?
I think the technical term is 'sheaves', singular 'sheaf'. Nice photo. And we loved the photos of the playgroup too. Looks like fun. Everyone seems very happy, healthy and sociable, and the dance studio an ideal venue. The parents must be very pleased that you and Yoshie have come to Abiko.
Yes, the speech day photos were taken by May Arai who has a knack for photographing kids - her photo blog is in the links page under "May's Cafe". We have saved a few of the best shots for future use on our website. Parents pleased we came to Abiko? I hope so. Time will tell.
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