...Obama would be president. Speaking as a resident of the rest of the world, it comes as no surprise that Obama has streaked ahead of McCain in the affections of non-Americans. He can string more than three sentences together, he's not related to any former presidents and his middle name doesn't bother two-thirds of the world. Anyway, here is a little Gallup map of the world according to voting intentions, if we had the right to choose our world's leader. The grey/blue parts are pro-Obama, the yellow, don't know/don't care and the red are pro-McCain. Not a lot of red is there? Click here to visit the interactive map and see how your favoured country would vote. Peeved about having no vote? You have eight days left to vote in the Tower Tales poll on the right. I note that "None of the above" is giving my Grandma's Party a run for their money, but I have hope Obama can swing it.
Speaking of a world desperate for change, I'm running a half-marathon round the lake near my house on Sunday. You can still sponsor me here. Why should you?
- Reason #2: Sub-Saharan Africa is pro-Obama.
1 comment:
Just to say good luck on Sunday, and well done on raising all that money for a very worthwhile charity! We look forward to the post-race blog.
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