Friday 10 October 2008

But is it art (or engineering)?

So what's going on here then? This slightly odd piece of public art in the middle of Teganuma is not a tribute to the asexual flapper girls of the roaring '20s as I thought glancing at it while training for the Eco-Marathon (yes, that was a laboured plug to remind you all to donate a little loose digital change for a worthwhile cause, click here to ease your conscience). No, these are in fact supposed to be kappa water sprites. At least, that's what I've been told. Looking at the information plaque (below) tells onlookers nothing about why or what the thing is, but tells an awful lot about its exact size, distance from the shore and height of the plume when the fountain is switched on - which it wasn't when I was there, as you can see. For pictures of the wildlife of Teganuma, click here.

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