Thursday, 23 October 2008

Shichi-go-san, part III - or 'Give us a twirl, girls'

Is it possible to move gracefully while wearing a kimono? The fleeting beauty of the kimono-clad young geisha serving green tea with subtle nods of the head and flashes of the nape of the neck is often celebrated. But how easy is it to actually get up and move in something that takes an hour and several pairs of hands to put on? Well, here is a video from the girls' 7-5-3 ceremony to demonstrate how to move with - here come some technical terms -  all the bits and bobs that hang down:

Speaking of moving gracefully, did you know on Sunday, I'm running a half-marathon round the lake near my house. You can still sponsor me here. Why should you?
  • Reason #4: Every five pounds (¥1,000) raised means four new books for the poorest people in the world. If they read all of them, they are more than qualified to be Vice President of the USA.

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