Not only did my neighbours show up in force to cheer me on through the Teganuma Eco-Marathon yesterday, but one of them, Ishihara-san, captured a few key moments in the race:

The "athletes" clear the 15km point, marked by the family restaurant Coco's and a whopping great bridge over the lake.
One of the highly professional runners spots his family in the crowd...

... and proceeds to lose his place in the race posing for his wife, who somehow pressed the wrong button and videoed her thumb.
lookin good Paddy.2 hrs is a very respectable time,well done
If the sweaty look and receding hairline is your thing, then yeah looking good. I was pleased with two hours, but my fellow runner, Nick, a father of one of my younger students, did it in one hour and 28 minutes. Yikes, that's quick.
Any road, nice to hear from you DK. How was TA? Any imminent deployments to Iraq or Afghanistan I should know about?
A heartfelt congratulations from someone who would break out in a sweat running round a small garden pond. I have beat you fairly comprehensively on the receding hairline front though!
Yes, we're all getting older. I remember I couldn't stand cross country running and all that in school, now it seems I can't get enough of it. Odd, to say the least.
Well done! You even looked as if you were enjoying yourself. Remarkable.
Fantastic time! And you were still smiling at 15K?! Your training tips really must have paid off!!!
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