Here's your briefing of the 10 best Japan stories, according to yours truly, that have crossed my consciousness. Enjoy. Oh, not sure what kind of order the stories are in, you decide.
- Where is Japan's version of Obama?
- Japan stabbings linked to pension scandal
- Top 60 popular Japanese words/phrases of 2008
- Elvis is Homeless in Japan
- Aso in hot water over remarks on doctors, parents
- Top anti-drink cop caught drunk-driving
- Cannabis and Japanese undergraduates
- Guitar phone
- The latest recession
- 10 Japanese customs you must know before going to Japan
'A senior Tokyo police official tasked with keeping the city's roads clear of drunk drivers has been arrested for driving under the influence, police said on Tuesday'
laughed out loud at this one
'Japanese society is focused on the group. Western cultures are focused on the individual.'
picked this up elsewhere.sums it up beautifully
enjoyed those Paddy,an interesting and eclectic mix of econ/polit/socio stuff.
dare I say it,very drudge like!!!that's a compliment by the way.
did you enjoy it?How long didi it take?
o/t have you thought about listing your links on the left hand side of the blog?
check out this blog Paddy.The guy writes from the ether.Has a worldwide following,check out the google analytics at the bottom of his page.not an uber blogger but has a loyal band of readers.
I dont read every day,I find his style a bit dull. and the pieces are too long for whats in them.
Took less than an hour to cobble together. Could do it a lot quicker once everything (news feeds) are set up.
blogspot (google's blogging platform) has very limited layout templates for blogs. I'm thinking of finding another brand, like Wordpress maybe...
It's fun though.
Thanks for the link back to my Homeless Elvis article Patrick - I read the story and then searched for a photo that I knew I had somewhere in my digital archives and got lucky.
The sight of an Elvis statue in Harajuku shouldn't have caught me by surprise at the time but it did...
paul linford gets a mention on PB.com
You're welcome Shane. Nice tale and a quality blog.
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