What on Earth is this? Well, unlike
recent posts, I actually know the answer. This is Noppon, the official mascot of
Tokyo Tower, the largest iron structure in Japan (it's about one thousand feet high, I think). Helpfully, if you unscrew his head, there is a ball-point pen underneath. Worryingly for a tall building mascot though, he is not very stable on his feet, a little top heavy, and, as can be seen from the second picture, he is a little, well, little. Yoshie thinks he looks strange and I can't decide if he is cute or sinister, but Emma has taken a shine to him and he was
a present from a student who lives across the road, so he will be staying.
'Worryingly for a tall building mascot though, he is not very stable on his feet'
every now and then paddy you deliver a sublime line.this cahp
has a similar talent.he's an estate agent somewhere in England who blogs.
Hey, he's pretty good, and proves the adage that if you want honest writing it has to be written posthumously or anonymously.
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