Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Would you buy a used car from this man?

Well, he's not a actually man, he is a tanuki. The beast exists in real life, translated clumsily into English as a "raccoon dog". They still live in the remoter areas of Japan, and their effigies can be seen outside many pubs and eateries throughout the nation as they are mythically fond of a beer and a good time. Though quite what he is doing strapped to the side of second-hand car dealership in downtown Kounoyama, I don't know, ditto the fibreglass pig:

And as for the Halloween-esque Minnie Mouse, I can only say she is almost as scary as the real thing.


Anonymous said...

whats the reputation of second hand car salesmen over there?is it the same as the UK ie selling your grandma is a cheap price for a lead.

Anonymous said...

obama is this and weep.can she spell 'conservative'?

Anonymous said...

Our Man in Abiko said...

Tee hee. Sounds like she has been revising for her GCSEs.

Our Man in Abiko said...

Try this one for her world view.

Anonymous said...

why didn't she just say Wall St journal-and anything else that begs for bail outs for invesment bankers?I cannot believe,that she as someone who is supposedly conservative can support the bail out of Wall St.

It is bizarre OMIA,watching the exterme left finding itself on the same side of the barricade as the extreme right.Weird as anything.
you know,some socialist,saying 'no bail outs' and then michelle malkin agrees
'no bail outs'

interesting times.Both Obama and Mccain voted for this bill,if I were American and i'm not,I would vote for neither.they have just shafted every man woman and child in the US for $2000