Thursday, 2 October 2008

One year of independence

Folks, today is an auspicious day indeed. Not only has the visit counter hit 1776 - the year of America's foundation - and the US Vice Presidential candidates are ready to rumble in a few hours, but it is also another anniversary. It was one year ago today that Tower English opened its doors to three mothers and their toddlers for our first playgroup. We had a grand total of three students signed up for weekly lessons and we had only about as much money in the bank as the Lehman Brothers do now, but how the investment bank must be looking enviously at our balance sheet now. It's often said that going into business on your own is risky, but as the current financial crisis confirms, doing the same old thing is even riskier. Anyway, we've been lucky and are holding a party on Sunday at the local community centre to give thanks with over 100 guests connected to our school. We'll definitely be showing up, unlike a certain guest on Letterman, America's pre-eminent talk show:


Anonymous said...

great clip,congrats on the first know what they say,50% of small businesses fail ni the first year,so you're already in an elite of sorts.Personally,when it comes to recessions,I feel,you're best in a business that adds value that you just can't buy on the internet.

went to buy some running shoes at a shop yesterday.some bloke set up on his own.he videos your running on a tread mill and then pciks shoes that will correct any problems you may have.Well credit to him,I say.Nice to see some old school service coming back into fashion.

On a wider note OMIA,whats the high street like there,is it full of the same 'tat' sufflers that the UK's become or is there some individual flavour left?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your first year in business! You've done absolutely brilliantly! Long may it continue.
Much love.

Jane said...

Yes, well done you guys!! Really proud of how well you've all done. Long may it last. Good luck for your do!