Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Redesign time, or delusions of grandeur

You may well be asking yourself, hey, what's going on with the blog? Didn't it used to be a Danubian (or at least a Leicester City FC) blue? And what's with the picture at the top, and where's all that extra gumpf down the right hand side that I used to ignore? Allow me to explain... like all editors, I couldn't resist a little tinker with the style. Added to that the auspicious occasion of the first anniversary of Tower English last week, and you have an unstoppable mandate for change. Here are the main features:
  • No white text on blue background. Black text on a white background is easier to read, especially for the old 'uns among us who learnt to read with those old-fangled things called books.
  • Nice picture behind the masthead (as it used to be called in newspaper parlance). The picture sums up something of what this blog is about - an innocent abroad trying to get to grips with the new surroundings (and is that a yawn, or a gasp of astonishment from Emma? You decide).
  • Less gumpf down the side. Fear not, the links and glossary are all still here, just not on the front page - click on the keywords above the posts to find them. Joining them are two more links - "Contact" (for sending me an e-mail) and "About" to explain to new readers the, er, philosophy of Tower Tales, such as it is.
  • The eagle-eyed will notice the text fonts are the same as before and the colour scheme is identical to the sister blog, Tower Talk. All part of the corporate identity, folks.
So what do you think of the new look? 



Jane said...

Very smart!

Anonymous said...

Yes, we prefer it without the blue, easier on the ageing eye. Carry on blogging!