Saturday, 1 November 2008

Busting a few myths

If you thought Americans had the option of choosing a maverick war hero with a hatred for the politics of the Washington elite, think again. Take a look at this video from Rolling Stone (the magazine, not the group, sadly):

But I still think McCain's Pooh-san's double.


Anonymous said...

Let's hope wavering Republicans know about this too. Very impressive piece of reporting/commentary. Thanks for putting it on the blog.
On another tack, what happened to that photo of you reclining in front of a lot of mothers and toddlers?

Our Man in Abiko said...

Thank you, ma'am. Just doing my job for truth, justice and the American Way. The picture of me reclining (there was no other room to do anything else) is still on Tower Talk, just further down the page. The link to it is here:

Anonymous said...

interesting piece.

Have to say that for me,the moment the campaign got badly hit was when someone asked palin a question about economics.