Monday, 24 November 2008

Pleasant little numbers

I'm chuffed. Last night I was looking at the Tower Tales analytics (that means numbers - you can too, just click on the number of visitors at the top right) and was pleasantly surprised to find my usual Sunday/Monday tally of two relatives and a couple of passers-by looking for low impact aerobics (it's odd what search engines will throw up) was multiplying before my very eyes to more than one hit an hour. Granted, these are not numbers to get Murdoch worried, but for a site that doesn't do sex (as much as it would like, ahem) and has an awful lot of gratuitous chat about my family, what gives?

Well, in a moment of foresight between glasses of cheap Australian plonk from the Seven-11, I registered this blog on the Total Politics site and blow me, political uber-blogger Iain Dale graciously put a link to Tower Tales (see the post below for the link). By the way, get well soon Dad (Grandad). This non-political, non-aerobics-related video shot today is dedicated to you.


Anonymous said...

only 1 Japnese blogger...........

one big news story and your traffic will go through the roof.

simple reality is that people like Iain Dale/Guido Fawkes/ are jsut political anoraks.Me too.We like to understand party alignments,history,elections etc.

knowledge of japan is near zero. if you go to,which is arguably the most informed,you'll find very few of the punters could maybe even name the opposition parties.Why?At the moment there is no widely read English speaking/written source on the subject.and these are people who suck konwledge up like people shooting vodka at an 'end of prohibiton' party.

There are some techniques to drive traffic which then gathers a momentum of it's own if you're writing or posting interesting stuff.

What would be good,is that once you're set up,you could approach Mike Smithson( and see if he'd like a guest article on japanese politics.He has guest stuff on quite often and as far as I am aware they have no japanese expert.


Anonymous said...

local elections in Israel.....see what i mean.

Our Man in Abiko said...

I'm indebted to you doc. Funny how a throwaway comment on an obscure blog the other side of the world can develop... I'll get cranking the handle on the Our Man site and see what happens next. What fun!

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for the video of Katherine playing. Very impressed by her technique and her confident manner! Lovely dress too! We hope to see her play again soon and to see her progress. Next stop the Albert Hall? Mozart wrote a series of piano variations on 'Twinkle, twinkle little star' when he was 25. You can find it on the internet.
And well done, Patrick, on your new blogging venture. Tomorrow the world! Or even today!

Jane said...

You kept that quiet....didn't realise how well Katherine could play the piano! I'll write her an email to say well done. Very confident playing!