And they did, sort of. Sure, there was death in the Balkans and murder in Rwanda, but there was hope in the Middle East and peace in Northern Ireland. And the good guys were in charge. The cold of Reaganism was out, a warmer third way was in.
Then came the son of Bush, the neo-cons and the disaster of Iraq. Now, thinking back to that chilly night by the Arkansas River, I can't say that 1992 was the beginning of anything historic. But what happened on Tuesday in the United States, surely, was.
A man who argued for peace is in charge of the world's most powerful country. He got there by forging a coalition based on unity, rather than exploiting division. Oh, and he's black.
We hear so much about the American Dream, but are all too aware of the reality of racism and war. Well, here is a man who could put both nightmares to bed. I only wish my mother and grandmother were alive today to witness this moment.
poignant post paddy,as a blogger,it's one of the things you do very well.
I was a firm NOTA.Both voted for paulsons handout to Goldman Sachs which was a disgusting kidnap of taxpayers money(tax payers of the world unite,you have nothing to lose etc).
Having said that,Obama impressed in the late stages and has developed a real presence.I only hope your hopes are met.
For me the dissappointment of the campaign was Palins lack of knowledge/ability.She really sparked the campaign but as soon as she was asked about the economy,there was no way you'd want her in charge.There's talk of her running in 2012 by which time we'll be well into the Depression.
BTW do you know how Ron Paul or the Libertarian candidate did?I have tried finding out but can't.
Thanks for your kind words, Doc. The gossip about Palin keeps getting juicier. Have a look at the Huffington Post for clips about how she couldn't fathom that Africa was a continent, not a country. Lord have mercy on us in 2012, should she reappear.
I doubt that Obama is the saviour to all of America's ills, but he was a massive step in the right direction. Can't see him getting caught with his trousers down or his hand in the till, so there is an improvement there at least.
hopefully he won't bankrupt them either.for a party that was meant to be fiscally conservative,the republicans have really let their own people and the world down.when Palin stepped up,for a brief moment I thought we had someone who was gonna tell paulson where to go with his plans to make his ex cronies rich.She didn't even seem to be a aware that a bail out could possibly be anything but a good thing.
still think she's sexy though:)
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