Monday, 3 November 2008

Thinking about the election

Tired of  all the brouhaha of the competing candidates, but still can't decide who would make the better leader of the Western world? (If you haven't decided by now, what planet do you live on?) Why not consider the "game changing" endorsement of Obama by Colin Powell, with a fair summary of McCain's failings: 

Still can't decide? Click here to see the moment McCain lost it.


Anonymous said...

Colin Powell for President!

Anonymous said...

I agree.

have to say that is a game changer.a lot of people will vote for an ex military candidate on that basis alone.But colin powell carries a lot of wieght with those poeple.

lovin the politics btw

Anonymous said... calls it for Obama.

Our Man in Abiko said...

Yep, my prediction that Palin would save the day for the Republicans has fortunately not come to pass, it seems. But they could still steal the election.

Interesting, if jaded, site that

Must get back to writing about Japan soon, but I'm enjoying the US race too much.

Anonymous said...

'Interesting, if jaded, site that' thinks it's just had a facelift:) get some 400 comments per piece they print,whilst the comments are good they are just way too long to follow.

Anonymous said...

even lifelong republicans are joining the exodus

Anonymous said...

pollster maps from the bbc: